.FUEL ASSISTANCE: If you would like to apply for help with your fuel bill this heating season, contact Berksire Community Council at 413-445-4503. If you had assistance in the past, recertifications haave been sent out.
A truck driver saw a sign ahead of him that said, “low bridge ahead” Before he new it, the bridge was right in front of him and he got stuck. Cars were backed up for miles. Finally, a police car arrived. The officer got out of the car and walked around the truck and put his hands on his hips and said "Got stuck huh?"
"No the truck driver replied" ''''I was delivering this bridge and ran out of gas.
REMINDER: Many folks are forgetting to pick up their brown bags. We will start removing names from the list if there are two missed pickups in a row. Now that we are our own site, numbers and accountability has increased. Also ,our office is only so big so the sooner we can clear out the better. REMEMBER FOR THIS MONTH, MONDAY NOVEBER 9TH!!
THANK YOU: Speaking of brown bag, I would like to thank those who have volunteered the past two months. This is a work in progress, but as long as we work as a team, we will have the BEST site, thank you.
VETERAN'S ASS1TANCE: If you have questions about benefits, health care or related issues there is a Veteran's agent here in town. For an appointment call 243-5519.
STAIN REMOVAL: Pour on enough liquid dish detergent to cover the spot and gently rub in with an old bristled toothbrush, then wash as usual. The same
ingredients that cut grease on your dishes will make clothes look like new. Taken from the Quality Time newsletter.
FILE OF LIFE Do you need to update your medication list, change emergency contact, health care proxy and other important information? We have the File of Life which is a magnet for your fridge that allows emergency responders to have accurate information. Come see us if interested. Information should be updated every year.
"The one word you will need is NO." Bette Davis and Robin Williams