Lee December Senior Center Citizen News
Happy holidays from your Council on Aging! It's hard to believe that we are getting clost to a New Year....time flies when your're having fun! We have some special programs this month and hope you will join us for one or all of them. The first thing that needs to b stated is to change the myth that aqctiviies sponsored by the Senior Center are for residents of Crossway--NOT TRUE--any program you see in this newsletter or on our website (www.lee.ma.us) click on LOCAL LINKS, THEN COUNCIL ON AGING. All programs for the community at large and YOU are welcome to come and participate
HOLIDAY STRESS WORKSHOP: Hospicecare oof the Berkshires will be offering a workshop to talk about how to cope with the seasonal challenges. come on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10TH AT 10:00 to develop helpful strategies. No pre-registration needed
BROWN BAG: Delivery will be made on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11TH. Those at Brown Court will receive bags between 11:00 and 11:30 and those who pick up at the Sebuir Cebter wukk be ghere at biib, ** Beginning in January if you hgave not picked up your bag for the past threemonths, we will be taking your name off as we have had a number of "leftovers."
FOOT CLINIC: Jane Kelley will be here for foot care on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10TH by appointment. Call our office to schedule time to see her.
SPECIAL DAY: Mark your calendar for MONDAY, DECEMBER 16TH AS WE HAVE THREE PROGRAMS OFFERED THAT DAY. At 10:30, Kindred health will be offering a holdiay caft class to the first 12 that sign-up. If you are interested , let our office know. At 11:30, we will have another "community Potluck dinner. Kindred Health has been gracious enough to bring a turkey and stuffing casserole. This also requires reservation and what you would like to bring for a dish. The, at 12:30, we will be having live music performed by Don bettis who performs all over Berkshire County. Come and enjoy the day... we look forward to seeing you. *For the craft class and potluch, please sign up by December 11th. Thank You.
BLOOD PRESSURE CLINIC: There is a change in date this month due to the holiday. Porchlight will be here onWEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18TH AT 11:00.
HEARING TESTS: This service offered by appointment on THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19TH AT 10:00
.REMINDER: Open Enrollment to change your prescription plans end on December 7th.
MEAL SITE: Now that coldr weather is here, wouldn't it be nice to have a hot meal at lunch time?? Don't forget we offer lunch Mondayh through Friday through Elder Services
BREAKFAST OFFERED: Starting Tuesday, December 17th we will be offering a light breakfast consisting of oastmeal, muffin, orange smoothie and milk at no charge. If you would like to attnd call our office a day ahead. If you need aride, also let us know as we have our "in town transportation" available. This program sponsored by the Exedutive Office of Elder Affairs
HANDICAP MODIFICATION PROGRAM: This program was developed by the legislature to provide loasn in amounts between $1000 and $30,000 for modifications to the permanent residence o elder and individuals with disavbilities. The loasn allow participants ro temain in their homes. The projet will work with individuals and their famiies through the process. For more information ontact the Pioneer Planning Commission at 1-413-781-6045.
If you have thoughts or ideas on programs you would like to see at the senior Center, please let us know and we will do our best to accommodate your request.